Coreborn: Nations of the Ultracore is a multiplayer survival game set in the open world of the Ultracore Pen&Paper, created by our co-founder Hauke Gerdes. The game will combine three major pillars: a survival sandbox (the world of Tormentosia), a social hub (Coreheim, the location of the Ultracore) and adventures (diverse action experiences).
Tormentosia is the name for the land encompassing all known realms. Once, it comprised 36 empires with dozens of diverse races. After the attack of Sorgoth, Devourer of Worlds—and the following war—most of these nations fell victim to devastation. Their inhabitants who survived the bloodshed, fled to the lands yet unfallen. These remaining seven realms—now including the newly formed, joint nation of Coreheim—are as diverse in their flora and fauna as can be imagined.
Coreheim lies in the center and houses the Ultracore. Its shield protects the last seven realms from sharing the fate of other nations of Tormentosia at the hand of Sorgoth.
We’re not ready to announce that just yet, but we’re aiming for 2023 for Early Access and 2024 for the full release. Make sure to join our Discord to be the first to know and check our social media for project updates. And don’t forget to sign up for future tests too!
We are developing Ultracore in as close a relationship with our community as possible. Therefore early, regular playtesting with the core community is central to our production plans. If you’ve signed up and joined our Discord, we’ll reach out through email and post on Discord to let you know how to take part in the playtest.
We’re called Blankhans and our homebase is in Munich, Germany. The team itself is spread around the globe. If you want to learn more about the studio or join our team, click here.
Our core principle is that we develop Ultracore on behalf of the community, with a direct feedback loop at the forefront. We need and welcome your input! So, sign-up on the website. Join our Discord and follow us on social media. Always be vocal and let us hear your thoughts. We cannot apply every opinion, but we definitely digest all of them. Forged in our fires, shaped with you.
If you want to directly help and you are a games professional, check out our jobs page here.