Hello, everyone! The global wipe is completed and brings about a few important changes including a highly-requested player feature: personal servers and MORE! Read below for the full details on how you can take advantage of this and other features.
Also, a reminder that there will be one more wipe in a couple of weeks as part of our massive launch of Liquid Meadows and the Children of the Source. As we are still in Early Access, this will be a crucial time period to refine and make necessary changes ahead of a launch.
From now until May 30th, save 70% on the price of Coreborn! If you haven’t had a chance to check out our previous patches or are curious about our new ones, this is the perfect opportunity to do so!
Single Player
You now have the option to start the game in Single Player mode at the main menu screen. While in Single Player, you can access the Server Settings at the main menu, but be aware that some of the changes you do here might need you to restart the Single Player.
Also, it is possible to get a backup of your old map to experiment with and use it on the Single Player mode or apply it on the Server.
- For Single Player, go to the path: ‘Coreborn\DedicatedServer\Ultracore\Saved\SaveGames’. This is also where you can “Wipe” your Single Player experience
- If you want to have a Backup of your old Server please reach out to us here: https://blankhans.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portals
Server Browser
If you press Play Online, you will now see the Server Browser. Here, you can spot Official Servers (they’ll have a blue Coreborn Logo) or join servers that other players have rented.
Rented Servers
Players now have the option to rent their own server here: https://pockethost.app/en/gameserver/coreborn-server-hosting/ . By default, your server will not show up in the Server Browser. So, if you want to see it there, be sure to make it public in the Server Settings. You can also set a password for the server and add an admin password to access the Sever Settings. Also, be aware some changes require a server restart.
You wanted it; you got it. Players can now SWIM! Swimming is limited by your stamina on the stamina wheel. The only way to recover stamina is by leaving the water. If you run out of stamina while in the water, you will start to take damage and eventually die. This swimming addition also comes with some changes to waterways in Ambros. :]
- If you can’t do certain actions, a Jibbling will show up
- Added some Steam Achievements! Let’s see if you can achieve all of them
- Added a Barber in Pipers Whistle that lets you change your appearance without deleting your character(!!!!)
Bug Fixes
- Now all consumables should be affected by consumable hoarder perk
- Prodigal Alchemist Perk should now apply to all potions
Things that have been removed/temporarily disabled:
- Coreheim was removed
- The Capture the Crown mini game was removed (The ‘Fancy’ Armor Set might come back in the future)
- Server Travel and friends list have been disabled
Thank you to everyone for your patience throughout all of this. We look forward to the continued growth of your towns. Please remain aware that the second-and-likely-last wipe will take place in a couple of weeks right before the long-awaited launch of Liquid Meadows (new area) and the Children of the Source (new race/weapon)!!
For anything else, make sure to contact us or visit us on our Discord!
– Your Blankhans Team
Purchase/Wishlist on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1926090/Coreborn/
Previous Post: https://coreborn.gg/blog/2024-05/server-changes/